Wednesday, March 7, 2012


In 4.1 we'll be dealing with two types of variables, our old friends: quantitative and categorical.

For Categorical Variables
Categorical variables can be used to construct a two-way table (contingency table or cross-tabulation table) which compares 2 categorical variables in a table. The two-way table attempts to explain the effect one variable has on the other.

For example comparing our class members gender (male/female) and their approval of Barack Obama's presidency ("Is Barack doing a good job?"), we are attempting to determine if gender influences opinion of the president.

Male Female Total
Yes 5 6 11
No 9 8 17
Undecided 0 10 10
Total 14 24 38

What percentage of people said yes? 28.95%
What percentage of people said no? 44.74%
What percentage of people were undecided? 26.32%
What percentage of men said yes? 35.71%
What percentage of men said no? 64.29%
What percentage of men were undecided? 0%
What proportion of females responded? 24/38 or 63.16%
What proportion of females said yes? 6/24 or 25%
What proportion of females said no? 8/24 or 33.33%
What proportion of females were undecided? 10/24 or 41.67%

The second in class example divided the class into political affiliations (rather than gender) and measured their approval of Barack Obama's presidency

Conservative Moderate Liberal Total
Yes 0 4 9 13
No 7 5 3 15
Undecided 2 5 2 9
Total 9 14 14 37

What proportion/percentage of liberals said yes? 9/14 or 64.29%
What proportion/percentage of liberals said no? 3/14 or 21.43%
What proportion/percentage of conservatives said yes? 0/9 or 0%
What proportion/percentage of conservatives said no? 7/9 or 77.78%

If all values are the same across the board, that variable has no impact on what we're interested in.

For Quantitative Variables
Quantitative variables get a scatter plot, where two quantitative variables we think are associated become coordinate pairs that are plotted along the x and y axis. The more linear the resultant plot, the stronger the relationship.

Example given, height of an individual -vs- their shoe size. We believe height causes, or explains (hence X-axis), show size. So we plot it and we discover that the relationship is positively related.

Describing a scatter plot -
Direction: Positive (/) or Negative (\)?
Strength: weak, moderate, strong. How do you assess strength? How closely observations cluster together to resemble a line.

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